Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our last trip to Slovakia in March

On Monday,March 18, 2013 we flew to Kosice, Slovakia for our last visit with  Elder(Gordon) and Sister(Lynn) Cooper.  This was a special visit, as we went to the sites of projects we had been personally involved.
We stayed at the” Hotel Zalote Dukat” (The Golden Coin)  A lovely place on the main square of the old town.  We arrived at 1:00pm and were picked up by the Coopers and taken to the Hotel.  The Coopers came back for us a 4:00pm. We went to their apartment for Dinner and a FHE with the Elders and their investigators and some of the branch members. We were asked to bear our testimony and share an experience from our mission which we did.  The missionary work in Slovakia had really increased since the Book of Mormon was now translated into Slovakian.  It was so exciting to see a portion of the fulfillment of the prophecy that the gospel would go to every Nation, Tongue and People.  It was a wonderful evening and we got back to our Hotel about 9:00.  Then as always we spent another three  hours doing our daily office work remotely with the computer.

Water Pump House at Roma Village
Tuesday, the Coopers, and the Van Dalens(Robert and Ria), picked us up at 9:00AM for a 2 hour drive to Maria’s house in Bejovce .  Maria is a NGO who helps the poor and needy in the northwest part of Slovakia.  When we arrived she had prepared a wonderful 4 course meal.    Following Lunch we went to see the Bejovce Roma (Gypsy) Village project.  We talked with the head of the village and he took us to see their poor living conditions and the proposed improvements.  They were asking for help to buy seeds for crops in the spring so that they could raise and sell  produce in an effort to become more self-sufficient.  The drought had destroyed this years crop. 
Stefan, Robert and Ria Van Dalen,Gordon and Lynn Cooper, Us, Interpreter, Katka, Maria is taking the picture
Toilet in the village  

                                                                Home in the Roma Village

 Then at 3:00pm we drove to Sobrance where we visited the Regional Hospital to see the special hospital ICU bed  and Vital signs monitor  the church had donated to their ICU.  This bed was such a blessing to the patient and the staff.  The staff could now provide a much higher level of care.  We then walked across the street to the Senior Care Center to meet with Helene the director.  The Center housed severely handicapped and disabled Elderly.  We donated beds that could be raised and lowered.  This was such a help to the nursing staff, so back injuries could be avoided.  We toured the facility and received such a warm welcome from residents and staff and then Helene presented us with an angel figure.  Thanking us for being their angels who came to help.

              Here is  Maria standing in the Regional Hospital ICU next to the new bed and monitor
                                          Helene and Sister Cooper with Care Center Resident
Helene with new bed provided by the church

At 4:30 we attended a formal reception and Thank you by the Mayor at his office in Sobrance.  This was a very special experience.  The Mayor and the medical community wanted to do something special to thank the church for the help that was so desperately needed and freely given.  The ceremony included a beautiful musical number, and then the mayor gave a heartfelt thank you with tears in his eyes for the help given to his community.  The Coopers were especially recognized and thanked for all they had done and given flowers.  We were also thanked as their supervisors with a national Slovakian doll and flowers.   Feelings were so tender and close to the surface.  There were hugs and tears by all.
At 7:15 we went to the Hotel Jliana Sirava for a lovely dinner and visiting.   We then drove back to Kosice.  It was a wonderful long day.

picture taken following the ceremony

Maria on the Right and the Mayor to her right

Wednesday, we left the Hotel with the Coopers at 8:10am and traveled to Zehra for a closing ceremony at 10:00am.  This facility was once an historic castle and Monastery which now is a large home for 150 mentally and physically disable residents.  The Church provided a ceramic kiln for the residence to fire their works, which they sold to help fund the facility.  We had a lovely tour of the facility and a nice lunch was provided.
We drove around the area to see the Spisske Castle from a distance, did a little shopping and then returned to Kosivce to train the Coopers and then back to the Hotel for dinner and remote computer work.
Thursday,  We walked around the downtown fussganger strasse, had breakfast with the Coopers  then off to the airport to return to Frankfurt.
We had a beautiful time loving and being loved by our Humanitarian couple and the people of Slovak
Elder Cooper and Elder Leonard with the Kiln

Resident preparing the clay

Some of the items made by residents


Luncheon with administrators, interpreter and Coopers
Resident creating a wooden scupture.  This facility had numerous arts and crafts centers so all residents had the opportunity to create items to sell.

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