16 Sept.,2012
Dear All,
This has been a very busy 2 weeks, but very good weeks. The first we spent in Budapest Hungary which is one of the prettiest cities in Europe. We were there to train E/S Wiggins who came to us from Sandy UT. They lived in Sandy and he use to ride his bike up to snowbird all the time. They are a wonderful couple, highly computer literate, and very enthusiastic to serve the Hungarian people and the Lord. The second week we spent with the Pages in the Czech Republic participating in and helping with a wheelchair training program. The Church has worked with Motivation Romania and WHO and now WHO has adopted the wheelchair training developed by Motivation Romania as their standard for distributing wheelchairs. I have included some of the pictures we took in both countries. We spent very little time site seeing, but did enjoy what we saw. I have included some pictures of Prague which may be the prettiest city in Europe.
For the past month I have been working on setting up a fireside with Elder Nelson for when he came to Frankfurt this past Weds. We returned from Prague Thurs. night, and was asked to conduct the Fireside Fri. noon. It was a great fireside with Elder Nelson, very interesting the the stories he told about President Kimbal and Pres. Monson. After the firside as I was sitting on the stand I had the opportunity to visit personally with Elder Nelson. I mentioned that I had some uncles that I thought he might know. He asked who, I told him Owen Reichman, Hyrum Reichman and Wilford Reichmann. Elder Nelson said, yes I know them, then he said "you have some very good blood in you". I thought that was a great tribute to Grandma and her family, and it affects all her descendants.

This is Elder Robert and Sister Janice Wiggins the first Humanitarian Missionary couple assigned by the Church to Hungary. They are highly skilled people and will do a wonderful job. She is a PhD in education and taught at the U of U and wrote grant proposals for the ED. Dept. She taught teachers how to teach blind children. He has a degree in ME and formed his own co with 2 friends. The co. sold calibrating technology throughout the world. You can see that they have special skills that will be very helpful to the work in Hungary. We spent 4 days training them, and helping them get setup in their apt. We also took a bunch of office equipment to them.

This is a garden project that was started in Veszprem Hungary a year ago. The sister in the blue blouse has fed her family the whole summer on the produce she has grown on her garden plot. She only goes to the store for milk, bread and occasionally meat. The Lord has really blessed the ground and it has produced a lot for the members participating in the gardening project.

In the wheelchair training program the people to be trained are put immediately into a wheelchair for the entire first day of training, so they can begin to understand what a poorly fitted wheelchair feels like, and thus better appreciate how important it is to fit the chair to the recipient. A poorly fitting chair can actually cause damage to the person.

Kim Brown a PT volunteer from SLC teaching the group how to properly assess if a person is in the proper position to be tested for a chair. They teach a 90/90/90 principle. Susan is in the blue with the clipboard

Judd Thalman a PT volunteer for the Church (from Richmand UT.) teaching the trainers. Seated is Elder Dennis Smith a wheelchair specialist for the Church and standing next to Judd is Jakob a translator

Susan is learning to test if there is any sensory loss (neuronal damage) in a potential wheelchair recipient. If there is any sensory loss it will affect if the person is a candidate for a wheelchair and will influence the kind of chair they will receive.

Here a couple of trainees are actually fitting a wheelchair recipient into a properly fitting chair and the proper type of chair. This is the final step in the training process.

At the end of day we took a small stroll around the small town where the training was conducted. As this picture was taken it was almost dark, but we used a special setting for low light, and this was the result

In Czech (in almost all towns and villages in Europe) the town is built around a center square. This is the famous Astronomical clock on the square in the daylight. I just want to show a few sights of Prague as the most important part of our visit was the wheelchair training that we did for 3 days

This is the famous clock tower with the Astronomical clock at night.

This is a picture of the Prague (spelt Praha in Czech) castle at night

This is a front view of the castle from the town square. The castle is actually a block behind the square. Rain in Europe is just normal

A side view of the Prague castle

A beautiful house on the town square

This is the oldest known market in Prague. How long it has been there is not exactly known, but it was first mentioned in writing in 1232 (let's see you top that Walmart ?)

Susan with Jakob (one of the interpreters), Sister Smith and Sister Page in a very old wooden church in an open air museum in the Czech Republic. We took an hour and visited the museum after the wheelchair training one day.
We are grateful for this opportunity to serve a mission and the support you all have given us. We love you all,
Oma and Opa
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