Isn't this a pretty geranium
Dear All,
We have had a number of special experiences this week involving the priesthood and healings. Some have been quite phenomenal in the dramatic healing that has occured. We have seen the hand of the LOrd protecting some of our missionaries in their travels and the work they are doing. We have 1 couple that was told they would have to postpone there mission for 1 1/2 months while a visa was obtained. With a lot of prayer and work, and intervention by the Lord they entered the MTC on May 28th as originally scheduled. The visa situation is still being worked on and may take months to obtained, but they will be in country and trained by their predecessors. This is just one of the incidents we have witnessed recently with one of our missionaries.
Thursday was a national holiday and the office was close, but we went in and worked 5 hours anyway. In the afternoon we drove with another missionary couple to the city of Seligenstadt which is a beautiful old town not far distant from Frankfurt. I want to show you the May pole which stand in the city square. You can see Susan and Br. Wells looking at it. In medieval times these pole were very important, the common man was illiterate and couldn't read, but he would go to the town center and on the May Pole were attached emblems of the businesses in town, and he could see then the businesses in that town or village. In the far right is the village well (in this case the village fountain).
We hope you have a great week. We love you all,
Oma und Opa
This is SO pretty! Now I know why you want to take us there. I can't wait!