We Arrived at the Airport about 5:15pm on Oct 12th. We were picked up by Elder Randy and Sister Vicky Wolsey. We went immediately to the home of Mission president for dinner. President Hill and his wife were from the Salt Lake area. President Hill and John had served in the central German Mission at about the same time. They had also Grown up in Bountiful attending the same High school The two of them had a great time exchanging stories. President Hill told us story that I would like to remember. while serving in the mission home during his missionary service in Germany, a women and her husband came into the mission home seeking a blessing. The president was gone so the women asked if he and his companion could give her a blessing. she was gravely ill. The doctors felt she would not live long. She had serious heart problems. This women had such faith. She knew that she could be healed. She had 8 children she was the only member of the church she needed to raise her children. So the two missionaries went into the other room an prayed for help. President Hill gave the blessing trying to say only what the Lord would have him say. He did not remember what he said but at the conclusion of the blessing. This woman was healed. The color had come back into her face and the warmth had returned to her limbs. Years later the President and wife and son were in Frankfurt at the temple were he desire to spend the night in the hostel. It was full but they suggested they go to a ladies home close by where they could spend the night. A bed and breakfast. It was the home of this woman he had given the blessing to so many years Ago.
Thursday morning we were up early and on the road at 6:45am.
We traveled up into the mountains to the city of Brasov for a wheelchair distribution ceremony. The missionaries were there to help and we saw Elder Newey again we had his help in Moldova at the NRT project. The organization Motivation Romania was distributing the wheel chairs. What a great job. Each chair was fitted properly to each recipient and they began the training process to teach each of the recipients how to use the chairs on stairs and ramps.We loved visiting with the recepients. This young women became disabled because of a fall. This man was given a live Polio vaccine and contracted the disease. He was my favorite because he looks like Brian and he acted like him. They could be brothers. He had a family. He played Basketball and danced with a team. He was employed as well.
Here is a 26 year old learning to use her wheel chair.
We had lunch at McDonalds and then back to Bucharest to meet Cristian Ispas who is the head of Motivation Romania. We had a tour of his facilities where some wheelchairs are modified for special needs and then a tour of several of the homes for children who have severe disabilities. This man does great work.
Then on Friday we were off at 7:00 for a 3.5 hour drive to the town of Braila to meet with Lina the head of Associatia Speranta. She had an autistic child and could find no help for him. so she studied out the problem and began her own school and organization for these children. The school is in an old building with only two rooms and a small kitchen and bath room. In the spring the couple in Romania had arranged to turn the yard into a great play ground for the children. It was great.
We then drove to the Leper Colony out of Tichlesti The colony was established the 1920. There were 180 residents but now there are only 21. Mainly elderly persons whose lepercy is no longer but they are laving with the scars both physical and emotional. In Romania the people will not allow these idividuals back into society. The colony is located in a beautiful. Remote area. The housing is poor and they are in great need of a better water systm. This was the focus of the visit after greeting the residents. We met an 82 year old lady who was left at the colony by her family at the age of 18
She said she followed the doctors instructions and reports that Jesus cured her of her Lepercy and her broken heart. She has an amazing attitude. She is loving and very productive. She crochets doilies and embroiders. She gave me a beautiful Dollie she had made. It was wonderful to meet her. I have a picture to share another time. We returned to Bucharest in the evening and had dinner with the Wolsey's. They are wonderful people.
Then on Saturday we drove to Slobozia to meet another great lady who has spent her days caring for the disabled children of Romania. She has about 300 children she l
We saw a home constructed out of homemade bricks of mud, straw and cow dung. It was amazing. People who are really trying to help themselves.
Then we traveled to Constanta. A seaport city on the black sea. It was rather late in the afternoon when we got there so we did not get to do all that was planned for here.
We had dinner at Marco Polo restaurant and got back to Bucharest after 10 pm. We were tired.
This morning we attended the District Conference at the Panduri chapel.
Half way through the conference Dad was asked to speak on the Humanitarian work we do. He did a wonderful job. Here are the Wolseys with us in front of the Chapel.
It was wonderful to feel the spirit of these great people.To see the missionary work go forward and the gospel being spread. What a blessing it is to serve the lord in this capacity.
We love all of you. We have so enjoyed your emails And seeing you via Skype.
We are flying home and will be landing soon. We love each of you very much.
Oma and Opa
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