Hi my dears,
Hope you all had a good week. We were busy with projects, finances, a Zone Conference and a few trips out to get our drivers license processed and an after work trip to the Romer Platz and shopping strasses and a stop off at Christine's Eis Palace for a treat.
Here is the building that we live in. Our final apartment will be on the 10th floor. You can see our balcony in this picture. From the top left of the building, it is the second row of balconies , the second balcony from the left. We are told that they are working on the remodel, so hopefully we will be moved in soon.
We thought that you might like to see where we work. This is our office. The windows look out to see our Apartment building, We have great people to work with and we will spotlight some of our coworkers next week. The Carl Block picture on the wall is the logo for the Welfare/Humanitarian department of the Church here in Europe.
This is the wall behind my desk. These are photos of projects that have been done throughout Europe. We will be adding our own pictures to this Gallery as time permits.
Each week goes by so fast. We will be home before you know it. This week we had a great Zone conference. The theme was feeling joy through the loving service we give at the Office. We had a number of couples talk about their assignments. It was interesting and inspiring to hear what they do and the spiritual experiences they are having. We were the last ones on the program and when our turn came we were 11/2 hours behind the schedule. So we shortened ours as much as we could. We showed a video clip of a news spotlight shown in Croatia about a wheelchair project done by one of our couples. It was really good. WE will email the link if you would like to see it along with the script in English. We had Mexican food for Lunch that day and so enjoyed it. It was quite good. It was wonderful day.
We had a couple invite us for dinner for today. She told us their missionary story. It was very inspiring and sacred. This is just a piece of the story. A few months before their call, they went 4 wheeling with their son and his family. As they were loading the 4 Wheelers on the trailer the husbands 4 wheeler flipped off the trailer and landed upside down with the husband pinned underneath. The son heard a distinct voice say "What will be will be, you can't do anything about it" Then another voice said "You can help, get over there" He raced to the scene and with his left hand flipped the 800 pound vehicle off his Dad. The husband had only a badly broken leg. What a miracle. The son was not active in the church but is now eagerly engaged in the church. The leg healed well and he was up on it in 6 weeks. When we get home we would love to tell you the whole story. If you would like to hear it you can ask us.
Yesterday was our P-Day. We slept in for the first time since I can't remember. 7:30am We cleaned, went shopping and then went for a bike ride to Bad Vibel, a little village close by. It was fun. I am a little slow on the bike but I so enjoy it. I will get faster. I hope. Downhill is great but uphill it is faster for me to walk the bike. I will get better. We love you all and think of you all so often. Brian's Birthday is tomorrow and we are thinking of Him. Hope School is going well for Adam and Matt and Kaya and the Sorensen's. Have a great week.
We love you all
Oma and Opa
amazing story about the 4 wheeler, it's amazing how God protects us!