Monday, July 18, 2011

Back in the office

Dear All,
We flew all night on Monday and got into the Frankfurt airport about 1 P.M. From the airport we took the train and the street car back to the office. It is a irrelatively easy proceedure and very cost effective. We stopped in the office just to let them know we were back, and didn't get our of there until 7:00. In the office we learned that we needed to move which we did Weds. night only to learn that there is a lot of uncertainty about the apartment situation. It seem that the church is going to end there lease on 3 apartments, and which 3 apartments to give up is constantly in flux. So we were asked to move again on Thurs. night, then on Fri. we were invited to move again, but that can move can wait until we get back from Slovakia. At this moment we see just 2 more moves in our future, one next week and then the final move (we hope) in about a month. So that will be 4 moves in 2 months. We started on the 9th floor, then to the 5th, then to the 7th, and we hope the move to the 10th floor will be our final move. We are still working 60-70 hours a week, but tonight Susan left the office at 6:00 and I follow shortly thereafter at 6:15 That reduced our day in the office by about 1 1/2 hours. We are beginning to see progress in learning our job. The stressful part is that there are 9 other couples that have to rely on us to do our job so we can get them the money they need to live and do their jobs. They are wonderful dedicated couples who really do some good for the people of the country in which they live. For example we are working with the couple in Moldova who are helping the victims of a flood with food and trying to get these families bedding. Because there is so much corruption in in their village this couple are trying desperately to get the beds constructed so they can distribute them before they return home in 6 weeks. That way the beds will get to the intended families and not be diverted into the black market. Our trip to Slovakia is to participate in the distribution of wheelchairs, some of the recipients have been waiting for several years to get a wheelchair. Until the have a means of getting around they are relegated to their apartments. Once mobile they can start to interact in society, see friends and families, see the city, have a much fuller life. Being able to be envolved in helping others in such a significant way is very rewarding, and also makes one grateful for many things we just take for granted. We get up in the morning and walk to wherever and don't think twice about it, unless we grumble about having to walk. These people get up and either lay or sit there that's it, and the routine is the same day after day. I think we need to count our blessings more.
We don't have a car so we walk a lot when we go someplace, but everything is so compact here that distances seem smaller. Walked to the bank today which is 1 1/2 miles each way and didn't think twice about it. Back home I wouldn't even considered walking to the bank although it is about the same distance. Interesting how our enviroment has such an influence on us, which we don't even realize. We have been so busy that we didn't take the intended pictures of the office to show you, so no pictures this week ,but next week we'll have some interesting picture to put on the blog. Remember gratitude is a virtue we all should strive to develop. We love you all and pray for you daily, Oma and Opa Leonard

1 comment:

  1. Working with students with disabilities made me think twice about how mobile I am, how healthy I am, and that reading is not a struggle. Thanks for the reminder that I have many things to be thankful for.
