We Flew into Podgorica, Montenegro on Saturday, May 5th in the late afternoon. Elder and Sister Brown picked us up and we went to the home of the Fowlers where we stayed. We were taken to dinner in a traditional Montenegrin restaurant. I had a lamb dish that I really enjoyed. Sunday, we attended church in the home of the Brown's. Attending were 6 Fowlers, 2 Browns, 2 Leonards, 2 fulltime missionaries and 1 investigator. I got to help with the children in Primary. It was delightful. There was a sweet feeling in the meetings. We had Sunday dinner at the Fowlers. Itwas great. Then we went to the site where the Brother Nelson dedicated the country of Montenegro. the site is an ancient Roman ruin dating back to about 300AD. We had a lesson on the churches history in Montenegro and then we read the dedicatory Prayer individually.

Here we are at the site. Us, Elder Craig and Sister Nancy Brown the missionaries and James and Michelle Fowler with Marlo, Teac,Ethand and Zoe behind her Dad. We were Grandparent for the few days were there and we had so much fun. We miss our Grandchildren terribly.

Here is a sample of the remains that are can be seen at the site. It is just so interesting to see History. We had a great experience. On monday morning we had an appointment with the Red Cross at a Roma Refugee Camp to see the results of a project done in December and January.

On Monday, May 7th we went to the monastery in one of the hills around the city. The monastery dates back to the 300AD time period. Here in the picture we see a structure of a building. As you enter the monastery you walk into a passageway hallowed out of rocks. Early Christians dug these passageways to hide from the Romans who were searching out and arresting the early Christians. We took no pictures inside out of respect. We had a personal tour of this place from Father Luka. He spoke perfect English and was so interesting to talk with. We spent 4 hours here in the afternoon. Father Luka is a Serb born in Croatia. He was educated at the University of Belgrade in Art History. He Played in a Rock Band in his College years. He became a Monk later in life.

Here we are in front of the entrance. The picture in the background is a tile mosaic. Fater Luka looks a lot like this

On Tuesday May 8th in the Afternoon we attended a Ceremony at the Red Cross in Podgorica to honor all those who helped with the Emergency Relief for the resident in the mountains who were trapped by the 4 meters of snow that feel in January and first part of February. The church was recognized as one of the major contributors to the Relief Effort. Here are the Browns and the Leonards with Susan Brown the US Ambassador to Montenegro.

Here are Elder and Sister Brown with the Certificate of Appreciation they recieved on behalf of L.D.S. Charities.

On the Left is the Apartment building that houses our Humanitarian Couple. In the center is the Montenegrin Orthodox church which has been under construction for years. It is a beautiful building. During Communism the people were not allowed to speak, think or do anything that was a religious nature. All the churches were closed and locked and left to deteriorate. They are warm good people who have deep spiritual feelings.

View of the Church from the Street.

This is the site of the First Baptism in Montenegro. Zoe Fowler was the first to be Baptized here in this beautiful river in the fall of 2011. Zoe, reported it was so cold and the current was strong but her Dad would not let her float away.

Montenegro is a beautiful country. It now has its first missionaries and they are teaching 2 investigators. The Doors are opening for the Gospel.