Dear Ones,
Well, even with a busy week, we are sure thinking of all of you. As the Holidays draw closer I feel such longing to see each of you. So Let me give you brief history of our week. On Monday and much of the previous week, I spent the majority of my day looking at pictures of Apartments in Montenegro. We have a young couple there who works for the Enbassy. They are helping us find an apartment for a new Humanitarian Couple who are coming in January to open up this country with humanitarian aid. We found an apartment and rented it so that it would be ready.
Tuesday, we had our Area Welfare meeting. It is this meeting that we (Dad, Myself and Brother Mulligan the Welfare director)discuss the project proposed by the couples in the various countries. When the projects are approved the couples may then get started on them. We are nearing the end of the fiscal year so all our counting pennies to keep within their budgets. We approved 3 Wheelchair projects for a total of about 1000 wheelchairs in the countries of Serbia and Bosnia. We had six other area initiatives in countries to include Romania, Slovakia, Macedonia, Cape Verde and Kosovo. There will be wheelchair ramps built and computers for schools and adult education facilities to name a few. We also finalized two emergency relief projects to help victims of a flood in Northern Italy. We went to German class and then back to the office until about 7pm
On Wednesday, we got to the Wiesbaden Airbase and mailed the St Nicholas packages to each of our children and their families. I hope they enjoy our little offering. It was such a busy day, when we finally got home about 6:30pm
On Thursday morning, we flew to Solihull England to meet with the Finance people for training. We got to the Office about 9am. We had a full day working with various individuals in finance. It is great now to put a face to the name and voice. What lovely people we work with. I feel it was very beneficial. We had fish and Chips for dinner at a Kings’ fish and chips. It was great……The calories were worth it.
On Friday, we were at the Office at 8am to pack up 20 used computers to be sent to Cape Verde. It took most of the day. We enjoyed a moment of silence for all those who died for our freedon. It was 11/11/2011 at 11AM. We left about 4:30pm and did a little shopping. Lovely stores and a great High street. The weather was overcast and rainy but the fall is so beautiful You can see from the color of the leaves what visual treat. We ate at Jimmy Spice. Had a great meal. Buffet style for Indian, Italian, Chinese and Thai. I had a Nan made just like it would have been made in India. The food was very good.
On Saturday, We took our preparation day and went by train and Bus to Stratford upon Avon and Warwick Castle. A great day. We ate dinner in an Irish Pub and had Club Orange and Club Lemon in honor of Holly.

Here is Dad in front of the home where Shakespear was born. in Stratford upon Avon. We had a very interesting tour of the home and the history of this man.

Here is the back of Anne Hathaways cottage. The wife of Shakespear
This building was built in the 1600's It is amazing it is still standing. The garden plots are as they were in their prime.
Street in Stratford upon Avon. These are Celtic words meaning the crossing at the River.

Here is Opa, My Knight in shining armor. The Armor is on the horse and the dumbie sitting on the horse. This was taken in the great hall. Warwick Castle was begun on this spot in about 900AD. This castle was inhabited up until the 1950's. It is like a Disney Amusement Park. Wax figures representing people from many ages.

This was taken from the castle window. What a beautiful fall day. It was cold and crisp and we enjoyed the beauty of the day. It is so nice for us to get out side on Saturday because we go to work in the Dark and come home in the dark.
We Left Warwich castle about 5:00pm. We took this as we were leaving. What an interesting place. So many generations lived in this castle.
Today, We went to Church and enjoyed the lovely people here. This week has been a week of Remebrance of all those who died in World War I and II as well as the recent conflicts. My thought keep going back to my mother and the experience I had with her at the Cemetary in Margarten, As we visited the grave of her Fiance John Robertson who was shot down over France during world war II. He was stationed in Britian at the time. I felt I had a connection here. That man might have been my Dad. How might my life have been different? Well, my dears I hope that all of you have had a good week and will have a good week coming up. We fly home this evening and will be at work Monday morning preparing to train our new couples coming to Moldova and Albania.
Our love to all of you.
Oma and Opa